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The Best 10 Japanese Condoms 2023
What's the 10 Best Japanese Condoms?
The Japanese condoms are renowned in the world for their top quality. Once you give it a try, you will be surprised how much better the Japanese condoms are than those you have been using since then.
So which one is the best among the Japanese condoms? Here's the top 10 list!
We will pack condoms in opaque bags or cardboard boxes and the name of the package will be 'protector' so that others can't see the contents.
1. Okamoto 0.01 Zero One
Okamoto 0.01 Zero One is one of the thinnest condoms in the world. Compared to Sagami Original 0.01, Okamoto Zero One is softer and more flexible, with even thinness from top to bottom while typical condoms become thicker as they go to edges.

My favorite used to be Sagami original 001, but when I used this Okamoto 0.01 for the first time, I thought ‘Wow it’s better than Sagami 001!’. I can’t really explain why but I think Okamoto 001 fits better and thinner.
2. Sagami Original 0.01
Sagami Original 0.01 is the world's thinnest condom. Since it's too popular in Japan and Sagami limits its supply, all retails and suppliers in Japan suffer a shortage. Even people living in Japan have very little chance to find some available at retails.
Ranked lower as the price is high now due to low supply.

I must say it’s the best condom ever. It’s just incredible how thin this condom is. I was afraid if it may easily break but it’s very flexible and durable.
3. Okamoto 002 Large
Okamoto 0.02 LARGE SIZE is the large size of Okamoto 0.02 EX Condoms is one of the top selling Japanese condoms. If the standard size is too tight, then this large size may fit you better.

I love Okamoto 002. The standard size is too tight for me (I'm an American), so I always stick to this Large size. The standard size is designed for Japanese basically.
4. Okamoto 0.01 Zero One Large Size
Okamoto 0.01 Zero One is the thinnest (0.01mm) product among Okamoto condom lineup. Okamoto is one of the top-selling Japanese condom brands, famous for its large variety and high-end technology. We must admit Okamoto 0.01 Zero One is not cheap as they have gathered and utilized all their latest technology. But you’ll definitively feel the difference once you use it! Why not try it?

This is really thin and I love it.
5. Sagami Original 0.02 Large
Sagami Original 0.02 Large is the large size of Sagami Original 0.02.
The standard size is basically for Japanese male; if it's too tight for you, maybe 0.02 Large is the option.

The standard 002 is too tight for me so i used this one. Fits really well. And it’s so thin! The unique condom pack is also easy to open. 001 is kinda expensive and a bit tight so I’ll stick to this one.
6. Sagami Original 0.02 6pcs
Sagami Original 0.02 Condom was once the world’s thinnest condom before Sagami Original 0.01 came to the market. With polyurethane, Sagami Original 0.02 has strength of 3-5 times higher than rubber condoms, thus it’s thinner yet safer. 0.02mm (0.0008”) is roughly as thin as plastic wrap.
Sagami 0.02 is more popular than Sagami 0.01 as it's more reasonable and still feels superb.

It doesn’t have the typical condom smell! It feels like you’re not wearing it and you can feel more warmth. It’s completely different from those condoms I’ve been using before.
7. Okamoto 0.02 EX
Okamoto 0.02 EX Condoms is one of the top-selling Japanese condom brands. It's thin and soft; the beauty of Okamoto lies in the fact that the thinness of a condom is evenly the same from top to bottom while typical condoms become thicker as they go to edges.
More selling than Okamoto 0.01 as it's more reasonable and still feels great!

Very thin. Great cost performance. It feels so good, maybe because of Okamoto’s even thinness technology. I prefer Okamoto to Sagami. And it’s cheaper to buy it from here Allfromjapan than anywhere else.
8. Sagami Original 0.02 12pcs
Sagami Original 0.02 Condom was once the world’s thinnest condom before Sagami Original 0.01 came to the market. With polyurethane, Sagami Original 0.02 has strength of 3-5 times higher than rubber condoms, thus it’s thinner yet safer. 0.02mm (0.0008”) is roughly as thin as plastic wrap.
Sagami 0.02 is more popular than Sagami 0.01 as it's more reasonable and still feels superb.

It doesn’t have the typical condom smell! It feels like you’re not wearing it and you can feel more warmth. It’s completely different from those condoms I’ve been using before.
9. Okamoto Real Fit 003
Okamoto Real Fit 003 is one of the best selling condoms in Japan, regarded by some as the best condom ever despite its thickness of 0.03 mm.
The shape of Okamoto 003 Real Fit is designed according to the man's penis, which gives you and your partner a real feeling of LOVE. 003 Real Fit fits your head.

It fits perfectly and there’s no hard texture which is a bad thing about typical polyurethane condoms. Great heat conduction, and it felt so good that I had to double check if I was actually wearing it. lol
10.Flash Condom Pikkarinko Chan
Flash Condom Pikkarinko Chan is an amazing phosphorescent/fluorescence condom that flashes in dark place if exposed to light beforehand! Not only is it funny but it’s useful as it can be easily found in dark place. Flash Condom Pikkarinko Chan is a plain thin type of condom with lubricant. Green Color.

I enjoyed this funny condom. This condom was just for fun, but the quality was nice.